International Academy on Sustainable Development 2021
The sixth edition of the Academy on UNESCO Designations and Sustainable Development will take place in Torino, Ivrea, Biella and Milan from October 4th to October 8th 2021 and all activities will be held online.
The Academy main goals are to provide an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and territorial good practices at international level on the management of cultural and natural sites, and to contribute to advancing professional and institutional capacities of managing authorities and relevant operators form UNESCO designated sites, in order to increase the benefits for the local communities and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This edition of the Academy mainly focuses on the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, being 2021 the “International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development”.
The cultural sector and the creative economy as been largely affected by the Covid -19 pandemic, revealing and worsening all its pre-existing vulnerability. In this frame, the meeting aims at sharing experiences, defining good practices, and discussing solutions on the integration of creative and cultural industries in the management of UNESCO designated areas.
In line with the Academy’s cross-disciplinary approach, the workshop’s programme offers a combination of lectures, panel discussions and presentations by participants. All activities streamed online via the Zoom platform, will take place in Torino in collaboration with the managing authorities of World Heritage site of Ivrea; the Creative Cities of Torino and Biella; Collina Po Biosphere Reserve and Monviso Transboundary Biosphere Reserve and the Musical art of horn players.
Main Topics
The 2021 program will tentatively focus on the following UNESCO Designations:
the World Heritage List;
the Intangible Cultural Heritage;
the Creative Cities Network;
the Biosphere Reserves included in the Man and Biosphere programme;
the Global Geoparks Network.
Special attention will paid to "multiple designated areas", i.e. local territories hosting more than one UNESCO Designation, in order to analyse the potentialities, challenges and possible experiences related to the coordination between different designations.
Within this framework, specific sub topics addressed in the 2021 edition will be:
1. Enhancing the value of UNESCO Designations through cultural and creative industries, considering the role of creativity and innovation in community-based development processes.
2. Interpreting cultural heritage in terms of inclusion to ensure the cohesion of our societies and promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, fostering innovation and providing opportunities for local development and entrepreneurship.
3. Tools and labels for integrated management for cultural and natural resources, with special attention to those territories having multiple designations - according to different UNESCO Conventions and Programmes- to enforce their attractiveness as places to live, work and visit.
You can download the full Program of the International Academy on Sustainable Development 2021.
You can download the Report of the International Academy on Sustainable Development 2021 edition.
Associated partners
In cooperation with
Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto
Fondazione per l’Ambiente
Municipality of Genoa
Municipality of Ivrea
Musei Reali di Torino
Print Club
Slow Food Travel
Toolbox coworking
Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture is organizer and scientific manager of two International Masters dedicated to the capacity-building of professionals working in the cultural heritage sector for the development of cultural related projects and for the protection and preservation of culture in post-disaster and emergency contexts: the Master in Management and Cultural Projects for Development and the Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response.
Scientific Committee
Jonathan Baker (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe - Science Unit)
Martha Friel (IULM University)
Patrizia Lombardi (Politecnico di Torino)
Matteo Rosati (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe - Culture Unit)
​Carlo Salone (University of Turin)
Giovanna Segre (University of Turin)
Faculty and contributions
Monica Abbiati, Jonathan Baker, Enrico Bertacchini, Carlotta Boffa, Paola Borrione, Otto Bugnano, Mauro Carbone, Roberta Cevasco, Paolo Corvo, Saverio Dani, Franco Fassio, Stefano Fenoglio, Laura Fornara, Martha Friel, Agostina Lavagnino, Frank Lohrberg, Cassiano Luminati, Filippo Margiaria, Angelo Miglietta, Stefano Parise, Alessio Re, Matteo Rosati, Donatella Saccone, Nuria Sanz Gallego, Giovanna Segre, Benedetta Ubertazzi, Gabriele Volpato.
Academy coordination
Alessio Re (Fondazione Santagata for the Economics of Culture)
​Ottavia Arenella, Paola Borrione, Erica Meneghin, Andrea Porta
With the support of